Correspondence/Home Study Course in the Buddhist teachings

The Association produces a 10 week course of home studies designed to introduce a beginner to some of the basic priciples of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. They are presented in a straightforward, practical and non sectarian form and include some personal practices and experiments which can be applied in ordinary life. The whole text is orientated towards the viewpoint of an interested but sceptical beginner and is easy to understand.
This course was originally drafted by Shifu Nagaboshi (the founder of Kongoryu-Ji temple) and Christmas Humphries (the founder of the Buddhist Society in London). Since the original version of the 1960's Nagaboshi has enlarged and updated the text to its present form. The course has become very popular and copies have been sent out all over the world since it was 'revamped' in 1993.

There is no charge for this service, all we ask is that you send ten A4 sized stamped self addressed envelopes. If you live overseas you will need to send us at least 3 International Reply Coupons for each mailing (making 30 in all). Each week you will then be posted one of the lessons. This makes it manageable for you to study. Note:It is matter of policy that we cannot send you all of the lessons in one go.

Sinbce it began all the costs for this service have been met by Kongoryuji temple and continues via the freewill donations of those who agree with the endeavour and the assistance of our volunteers.
Kongoryuji Temple will continue this service as long as there is enough money to cover the costs involved.
If it proves too expensive the project will be simply put 'on hold' until there is enough money. It will never end as such.

Our new centre, the Gorinto, has also kindly offered to help in this task and those interested should contact them directly via their web page here

If you would like to financially help us continue with this work monies can be mailed direct to Kongoryuji. The costs of copying and postage etc never decrease. Any other suggestions or offers of assistance would be warmly appreciated by all.

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